Independent Electrical Contractors of New England
Empowering Electricians Since 1968.
273 Dividend Road Suite A
Rocky Hill, CT 06067

Please fill out the form below to register online. Payment is collected securely through the PayPal website. If you do not have a PayPal account, you may still pay with any valid credit or debit card.

Ron played an integral part in the IEC-NE Apprenticeship Program for many years. This scholarship will remain open in his name in the years to come to honor his legacy. Donations can be made in any amount at any time.

If you would like to donate an amount that is not listed below, please call the office at 860-563-4953 and we will be able to assist you.

Company Information

Start typing the name of your company in the box below and use the drop-down menu that appears to select the correct match from the suggestions. If the company isn't in our system yet, no suggestions will appear. To add your company, please continue to type the full company name and fill out the additional information below.

Member badge IEC-NE Member Company - Discount applied!

It looks like we don't have your company in our system yet. Please provide us with some basic information about your company/employer:

Your Information

If you have previously registered online for a class with us, please use the same email address as before to avoid having to re-enter your information. If any of your information has changed then you will have the ability to update it after you've completed registration. If your previous email address is no longer accessible, please call the office at 860-563-4953 so we can update it prior to registration.

It looks like we don't have you in our system yet. Please fill out your information:

Add Another License Number


Ron Bish Scholarship Donation 1 $25.00 No limit
Ron Bish Scholarship Donation 2 $50.00 No limit
Ron Bish Scholarship Donation 3 $75.00 No limit
Ron Bish Scholarship Donation 4 $100.00 No limit
Ron Bish Scholarship Donation 5 $200.00 No limit
Ron Bish Scholarship Donation 6 $300.00 No limit
Ron Bish Scholarship Donation 7 $400.00 No limit
Ron Bish Scholarship Donation 8 $500.00 No limit
Ron Bish Scholarship Donation 9 $600.00 No limit
Ron Bish Scholarship Donation 10 $700.00 No limit
Ron Bish Scholarship Donation 11 $800.00 No limit
Ron Bish Scholarship Donation 12 $900.00 No limit
Ron Bish Scholarship Donation 13 $1,000.00 No limit

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