Aug 22, 2018
According to a U.S. study conducted by the Fire Protection Research Foundation concerning arc flash injury, the most common work task leading to arc flash injury is the replacement of fuses. Many workers do this without turning off the power and verifying that equipment is de-energized. From the study, arc flash injury has also accounted for 29 percent of electrical fatalities from 2003 to 2010 and 36 percent of non-fatal electrical injuries from 2004 to 2013 in the United States.
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Jul 25, 2018Electrical fires are sneaky, insidious and often odorless. They don’t produce smoke, so smoke detectors don’t immediately sound an alarm. When faulty or damaged electrical wiring heats up, it slowly begins to smolder. These types of fires can be so slow-burning that it can take months to actually ignite. Even worse, they can be very hard to extinguish once they take hold. It makes sense that the best approach is to prevent electrical fires instead of having to deal with one.
Jun 20, 2018As the temperatures heat up, it’s time to review your warm weather safety standards for your electrical crew. While it’s important to stay on track while on working on projects or completing service calls for customers, you have a responsibility to protect your workers from exposure to temperature extremes. OSHA makes it easy for you to remember your responsibilities in this area, which come down to the organization’s three chosen keywords: Water, Rest, and Shade.
Jun 15, 2018Bradford Wills June 11, 2018 Each year, arc faults are responsible for more than 28,000 home fires, injuring or killing hundreds of people and causing more than $700 million in property damage1. Yet, arc fault circuit protection is still only mandated for 70 percent of a home’s electrical circuits. To get closer to 100 percent protection, consumers need to demand it, and electrical contractors need to get on board.
Jun 6, 2018Good safety practice requires that workers take responsibility for their own safety and that of their co-workers. But it’s also important that organizations empower them to do so.
May 16, 2018If you’ve never seen an arc flash firsthand, you may not realize just how destructive they can be. An arc flash can cause significant damage to electrical systems, start fires and cause injuries or even deaths. You don’t even have to be caught by the arc itself for this to occur; damage radiates out from the arc, and the air surrounding an arc flash can become as hot as the surface of the sun!
Apr 4, 2018Outfitting employees with appropriate footwear reduces injuries. Protecting employees’ feet with good industrial footwear cuts lost work hours, improves productivity, and heightens morale.
Mar 28, 2018For a business owner, workers’ comp insurance is an inevitable necessity. But by learning how the system works, you will be able to comfortably have a handle on what you are paying for, what affects your annual premium, and how to better manage and plan for unforeseen events.
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